Terms and Conditions | | Best Dog Friendly Cottages

We want everybody to be able to enjoy and benefit from using Best Dog Friendly Cottages (“BDFC”/”The Website”) and don’t want to tie you down with lots of rules and regulations. We much rather all users of the site treated each other fairly but unfortunately we do need to set out a few guidelines for use of the website both for your and our protection so here comes the official bit...
Our commitment to you (the holidaymaker, the property owner or the authorised individual):
1. We will make all reasonable effort to ensure that property listings are accurate and will take any reported misleading representations seriously. However as we do not personally inspect the properties listed we cannot accept any liability for their description, condition, appearance, or adherence to legislative requirements.
2. We aim to make BDFC available to you 24 hours a day, however due to the nature of the Internet this is not always possible.
3. We endeavour to remove any offensive items posted on our website as soon as we become aware of its presence but we do not accept any liability for any information posted on our website.
4. We will adhere to the Data Protection Act and will only use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Your commitment to us (BDFC):
1. By using and accessing this website you are agreeing to abide by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to any of these Terms of Use then you are not authorised to use this website and you should accessing the website.
2. You agree that your sole remedy against us is to stop using this website.
3. You agree to keep your access/log on details to the BDFC website secure.
4. You confirm that by advertising a property on BDFC that you are authorised to advertise the property for hire, to commit to the cost of advertising with BDFC and to enter into agreement to be bound by these Term of Use. You are then classified as an “Authorised Individual”.
5. You confirm that you will adhere to all legislation applicable to the advertising and hire of your property.
6. You agree to provide accurate, up to date information for your property.
7. You confirm that you are authorised to use and distribute any images supplied to BDFC and that BDFC is authorised to use these images for its own marketing activities.
8. You agree that each listing is for one property only. Multiple properties receive a discount but must be listed separately and then linked.
9. You agree that you will only use this website for private use and that you will not carry out any information extraction without BDFC’s prior consent.
10. You agree that you will not use the information detailed on this website for your own marketing activities.
11. You agree to pay BDFC for any advertisements placed on the website in line with the current pricing structure or as otherwise agreed in writing. If payment is not cleared or made to the terms agreed BDFC reserves the right to remove your property from the website.
1. Booking agreements are made directly between the property owner, the authorised individual and the holidaymaker, BDFC is not a party to any booking agreements. BDFC does not accept any liability for agreements entered into by these parties. Therefore we must stress the importance of agreeing the terms of hire (price, cancellation, refund policy, etc) before any money is exchanged between the parties and/or hire commences.
2. BDFC may amend these Terms of Use from time to time. Amended Terms of Use will be uploaded to the website and will apply immediately.
3. BDFC may make amendments to your property listing to ensure the correct format or most effective use of your advert.
4. BDFC reserves the right to remove any content from the website if it is not deemed appropriate or is in contradiction to these Terms of Use.
5. Any guest comments left on the site must be from genuine guests who have stayed at the relevant property.
Now all the official bits are out of the way all that remains is to say that we hope you enjoy using our website. If you wish to discuss any aspects of using BDFC please do hesitate to contact us.